Trade Bowls
Summer Trade Bowls
These are scheduled for Tuesday nights - Commences 12 November 2024 to the end of February. Bowls start at 6.00pm - include a BBQ followed by a social hour and raffles. If you are thinking about entering a team contact Stu Hurley 0210 270 7753
Teams of 3 people playing with 3 bowls each. If you do not have your own bowls then there are bowls available for you to borrow. If you would like coaching this is available at no cost.
Winter Trade Bowls
These are held in the club's indoor heated Stadium - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights starting in June and ending in August. Games commence at 7.00pm on the five rinks. If you are thinking of entering a team from your 'business' for winter contact Stu Hurley 0210 270 7753

First night of Trade Bowls. Lovely night 14 November 2023

Trade Bowls Dressup Night 10 July
Our Olympic night. Come dressed in white ( just like the good old days of bowls)!! Large pic is the 3 teams that took out Bronze - Green Rollers, Silver - Energizers, Gold - Plumbing World. The other pics are the best dressed team - The Yappers. Well done to Jo Stock for arranging a fun night for her trade bowlers.

Final week of Winter 2024nTrade Bowls
​Val organised a party night for her Tuesday Trade bowlers. Come dressed in a party shirt.